Saturday, July 09, 2005


ah, my first weekend in my new apartment...

i still haven't stocked my pantry, so i was forced to venture out on a saturday morning to find some breakfast treats. hooray!

sound simple? not so. the problem with living in a hip neighborhood, and not being a hipster, is that you're often up and at'em before everyone else! i had a load of laundry tumbling around in the dryer by 9am and there was still nowhere to go for a nice raisin pecan roll, or a a ginger pear scone, or even a bacon-egg-and-cheese on a roll. i waited it out for a while, then skipped over to the
essex street market -- but the fabulous lower east side bread purveyors weren't around. very disappointing. i ventured back down rivington-- even teany (strictly a last resort, since the people are so nasty) wasn't ready for me. i went to the bodega on the corner and found nothing that wasn't hyperprocessed--great for when i've got the late nite munchies, but not the way i want to start off my day. i decided to give happyhappyhappy a try.

what can you say about a bakery that purports all its sweets to be wheat-free and gluten-free. first, good for everyone with wheat allergies. yay! no more suffering for you. but it doesn't sound like a dreamy option for the rest of the folks. but happyhappyhappy just might make even the most skeptical wheat and gluten fans stop and say "ah."

the space is warm, in spirit and temperature--the baking is clearly done on-site and the woman behind the counter is clearly very involved in the process, judging by the light dusting of what looked like confectioner's sugar on her forehead. there are mini-cupcakes, tartlets, and cookies--the offerings vary daily. luckily for me, they had something that i really wanted for breakfast-- a scone.

a gluten-free, wheat-free banana walnut scone is as difficult to imagine as it is to describe, and perhaps even execute. there is a nice crunchy exterior that makes for a great first bite. but there is a puzzling combination of textures that follow--it's sandy, yet chewy. for something with an distractingly floury taste on the tongue, this particular scone didn't crumble. but that's not to say it was all bad--it was nicely sweetened, and studded with generous walnut chunks, imparting a boldness that it surely needed. the main problem is that it behaved more like a cookie, than a scone.

which leads me to believe that their cookies might be stellar. i'll have to try those another day.


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