Friday, May 06, 2005

piles of truffles

i just polished off a thick slice of foccaccia from the amish market and it was delicious and rich, topped with delicate, tangy chunks of sauteed artichoke, nestled in a bed of salty black tapenade, mozzarella cheese, and drizzled with truffle oil.


finding a true culinary treat during the lunch hour has proved elusive until today.

i'll admit that i was most curious about the truffle oil--truffles being so dear and all. in the end, i really couldn't tell what flavor, if any, or what aroma, it imparted, but i do know that the richness of the foccaccia was distinctly different and the meal left me satisfied but without that lazy, heavy feeling you can get from an inch and a half thick slice of pizza.


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