Monday, March 14, 2005

fresh sprinkles!!!

just got back from the whole foods "almost open party", to benefit the Union Square Partnership. once i saw the line outside the store, i held no high hopes. there were long lines, almost down the block and you could see through those new glass doors and windows an intimidating coat check and a lot of bunching at the check-in tables...but in truth, the event was very well managed. for a $20 donation, you're given the opportunity to sample some of the regular store offerings, as well as some treats specially prepared by some of the "neighborhood chefs". If you could bear to stand on the lines that snaked around every tasting station, you could eat as much as you like! some of the items were mediocre (soggy, bland samosas with a "chutney" that really was nothing more than chopped raw onions in a thin, colorful but flavorless sauce; spongy lobster fritters with a pointless corn dressing on the side) and some were quite tasty--chris' crabcakes were hearty, Coleman filet mignon was tender and melty. and the ceviche-- so often so wrong on so many menus these days-- was properly firm, the flavors balanced. The only celebrity chef that i saw was Mario Batali. He looked great, and i was impressed that he met the hungry, tipsy throngs face-to-face, to promote his new line of frozen pizzas. i'm sorry to report that his pizzas did not survive the trip from the oven to the table well, at all. the thin crust was soaked with olive oil, and became chewy and heavy. perhaps the home preparer could use a pizza stone and have better results.

but the true highlights were--are-- absolutely worth returning for: Gus Sodas (Grown-Up Soda-fantastic name, bright, refreshing drink! i tried Meyer Lemon and Pink Grapefruit.)
Christopher Norman chocolates (dark chocolate with lemon cream filling--rich, yet light and refreshing; the pumpkin spice--like eating pumpkin pie with chocolate cookie crust, it takes the traditional and makes it a perennial treat; Mini Puffynutters from Peanut Butter and Co. (chocolate and marshmallow spread sandwiches; peanut butter and marshmallow spread sandwiches) simple goodness that i can't describe, you just need to go an have some or make some; and finally, what tickled me most of all: the CANNOLI FILLING STATION. airy, crisp shells (typically you have to put up with a shell that is either chewy or crumbly) that would break gently as you bit into them, but strangely, wouldn't fall apart. wow. what held them together (and kept me from losing a single bite!) was the delicate, ever so sweet, ricotta filling. at the filling stations, they offered to dip the cannoli in chopped walnuts or chocolate sprinkles. and since i'm such a fiend for sprinkles, well, my choice was easy to make! the sprinkles were so fresh (wonder of wonders--did anyone know that it was possible for sprinkles to be fresh?) they gave a lively, chocolatey crunch to finish the already perfect italian treat.
we even received take home treats: assorted Dr. Hauschka product samples, a loaf of freshly baked organic bread, and a pot of tulip bulbs.



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