Sunday, March 06, 2005

so many games (on at the same time)

sunday afternoon. it's quiet in the 'hood today. people are weary of this lingering winter chill. i'm sick of the cold too, but it's nice that things are quiet around here for a change. no commotion on hudson street. i was distracted by my echo at mama buddha. it was just like old times. i'm almost rooting for more moody weekends...

i'm content to be under the covers now, with the duke/carolina game and tiger and lefty going head to head at the doral open . cheers for PIP. wondering what's behind that mickelson smile now that tiger's caught and passed him at the 12.

spoke to soon. mickelson--the "new" mickelson-- just fought back and they're all square heading into the 15.

did anyone see "dogville"? i'd be obliged if anyone could tell me what the heck happened in the second to last scene. i suffered through the whole von trier nightmare this morning (though i'll admit i liked the narration and the austere set and i thought the actors gave "strong" performances even though i hated every last one of the characters) but either the netflix disc was scratched or my dvd player is on the any case, i missed "the thing" that should have made the film have some meaning or sense. (unless it doesn't. ) i went from nicole kidman, asleep in the the bed, with that crazy dog collar on, to james caan showing up in the very fancy car and ...well, if you didn't see it i won't spoil it for you. but i was definitely like, "wha?" the thought of sending it back to netflix and getting another clean copy seems like an incredible waste of time, effort. i'd rather get what's next in my queue than this one all over again. so, will someone please fill me in?

this afternoon needs brave coffee...time to brew.

go blue devils! :)


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