Wednesday, March 22, 2006

not so happy happy happy anymore

yet another LES small business closing--this time it's the vegan bakery, happy happy happy. not because of a rent hike, or because busines was slow, but because their moderate success was still outpacing the "market"--they couldn't justify a bigger baking facility. to be honest, i fell out of love with them --their scones used to be a regular part of my weekend routine, but their service got spotty (the scones were often not done when i stopped by, and when i return to buy them, i'd find they'd been sold right out from under me!) and even the quality occasionally disappointed (i remember a particularly scorched banana walnut scone, and a tooth-cracking cinnamon scone). but still, other patrons seemed exceedingly pleased with the cookies and other goodies, so i expected to see happy happy happy around for a good long while...


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