Sunday, February 05, 2006

so, we're going to consume 27 billion calories today...

and 1.8 million grams of fat.

actually, i got started last night, at
san loco.


chicken chipotle macho nachos

catfish quesadilla

and a side of guacamole for good measure.

i don't know what i was thinking ordering a catfish quesadilla at such a wee hour, but it sounded great at the time.
it was tasty, just so filling...

adding a little intensity to the scene was the fact that my compadre did a little roberto duran impersonation after literally having only one bite of the macho nachos, leaving me to do all the damage. i tried my best, but it was a pretty disappointing showing...

in any case, san loco never disappoints. whether it's 5pm or 5am, the lettuce is always fresh and crisp, the plum tomatoes in the pico de gallo are always firm and full of flavor. the the pork pipian, the chipotle chicken, and the catfish--all the "add ins" that i've tried so far, are served in generous portions, in hearty chunks, so you can fully appreciate the flavor and the freshness of the meat. service is efficient and cordial--considering how many will show up there at 3,4,5 in the morning, after a few too many, the san loco staff has proved terrifically patient.


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