Monday, October 10, 2005

rum balls and parades

yipee! i love my temp job because (1) there's an actual --not a reproduction of a--romare bearden collage, right in front of my desk; (2) the folks at dining services are amazing. from behind a very nondescript office door, they work some serious magic. how does anyone concentrate when it smells like cheese souffle? actually, i think it put me in a much better mood, just knowing that they're here...somewhere...
a couple of weeks ago, they put on an all-day affair for a board meeting (breakfast, lunch, snacks, sweets) and i saw a tray of the most gorgeous popovers. i wanted to steal one very badly, or at least photograph them, but i just walked by a few times, and ogled... I'm not crazy about popovers (i shared a meal at the popover cafe many moons ago, and did not fall in love with them there) but these looked good enough to change my mind.
they also offer fresh baked cookies, just about every day! today, they are serving, chocolate chunk cookie bars, short bread, peanut butter cookies, and the most adorable little rum balls, served in inch-wide foil cups. the rum balls are a feat--nutty, rummy, with a touch of sweetness, and, amazingly, light.

meanwhile, i completely forgot it was columbus day. actually, i didn't forget the holiday--i just forgot it's the kind of holiday that they have a parade for. at about 11:40, i went to drop off my time sheet and could not believe the kind of congestion that was greeting me at fifth ave. police barricades in the street, dividing the sidewalk, people milling about on the curb, moving at a totally inappropriate pace...i was confused. i was even more confused when i saw "the money honey," maria bartiromo standing on a podium sharing a mike with joe piscopo. i was thinking, is that joe piscopo? is he a financial reporter now? or is bartiromo now with E!? i saw lots of men standing in the middle of the street, with suits on, and i thought--is it a political rally? and then i saw flags, and a guy wearing red, white, and green loafers, which didn't at all clash with his red, white, and green bermuda shorts-and-vest ensemble. and then i got it. it was the columbus day parade.
kind of amusing to stumble into that, and it was worth it to see all of that and the poor schlubs dressed up in their portuguese-explorer period costumes. the note noted that antonin acalia was the grand marshall, but i hightailed it outta there before i got to see him. I actually would have been interested to see him, what with all the SCOTUS stuff going on these days, plus, i've never seen a sc justice live and in person before. oh well.

turner classic movies has a massive line-up this month, but especially so the week of 10/24-30--a hitchcock fest! there's also a pretty cool little sweepstakes tie-in, with the grand prize being a trip to the bay area to see the sights that hitchcock loved and made "famous" through his films. i'm not a big sweepstakes person (unless you count mega millions. and powerball. and win for life) but this sounds pretty great. i'd even be psyched for one of the runner-up prizes--hitchcock dvds, or a copy of the book, "footsteps in the fog."


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