Friday, August 26, 2005

you know you're old when...

you move to arguably the hippest neighborhood in nyc, and your main "complaint" is that there isn't a grocery store within an 8 block radius! (however--there's a whole foods due to open "sometime" in the fall, and crazily enough, that is one of the things that factored into my decision to move to the LES.)

anyway, i actually DID find a grocery store, just within the 8-block radius, just off prince street, around the corner from
mcnally robinson. yipee! it's small, but it seems like it will do the trick for one-stop shopping on the way home from work. i took a quick spin up and down the aisles and spied "premio luganiga" sausage (billed as "dominican sausage" though premio is an italian sausage purveyor, and luganiga is, apparently, a sweet italian sausage). i decided to buy it so that i might compare it to the similarly named filipino sausage, longanisa (which, by the way, cousin joey, taught me to make from scratch, sans casing! deee-lish!). clearly one difference is the fennel seed... anyway, i'm very excited!


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